There’s an awful misconception in the world and in the church that God is benevolent and understanding to our sinful nature. That’s only partly true. Yes, God understands but it never changes His stance on holiness and righteousness. Never! If we served a God that changes, where would we place our faith? It is because God is immovable about sin and about lifestyles that displease Him, we then can know how to walk the straight and narrow. As we live out our relationship with God, how do we know when we’re misusing His grace?
Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
We don’t know what was plaguing Paul when he wrote this verse. It could have been physical or emotional, but the point of God’s grace was to relieve Paul of feeling inadequate, to shift his mind from self-deprecation to victory. God tells us to obey Him and He’ll handle the rest, a blessed assurance we have as His children. It does heaven and earth no good to have ambassadors of Christ walking around in defeat when we’re called to the higher things of God! This is what God’s grace does, it lets us put our complete faith in Him no matter what our struggle. Grace does not give us permission to continue a life of sin, it gives us a posture of humility, a reminder that we can do nothing without God.
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Romans 6:1-2
There’s been an overdose of grace and love messages at the pulpit, and we’re wondering why people are coming down to the altar for the same issues. Protesters hold up signs about letting people live the way they want, and we’re hearing the church’s voice less and less on these dangerous issues. If all we did as believers was extend grace to sinful lifestyles we are causing so much harm, instead of lovingly giving correction that will save lives. Who’s the loving parent; the one who tolerates destructive behavior or the one who gives their child boundaries, morals, and standards?
If you love Me you will keep My commandments. John 14:15
Yuck! Who wants to live by rules? Not the world, not those who revel in their sinful nature. We who serve God understand that as Kingdom Citizens there are rules and principles, we must live by to reap the benefits. King David exclaimed how he loved the laws of God, how they kept him from living in wickedness. Our pursuit of Him has rules, our love for Him comes with parameters, and that’s following the rules that guarantee God’s promises. Grace is great! We all need it! There’s something about loving on an Eternal God who first loved us, doing whatever it takes to show Him our devotion, even when that means to receive His grace and follow ALL His rules.